a career in marketing.

formerly a business development manager, turned spin instructor, turned professional network marketer, i spend most days now helping other women build their personal brands and businesses online.

you’ve probably realized that this little slice of the internet is dedicated to my work and my passions, and helping others find and achieve theirs. alot of my day to day focus is centred around fitness, wellness, and business. i’m grateful that those are shared passions with my husband too!

my initial deep dive into wellness happened in 2016. looking to find ways to calm my mind and get better quality sleep, i gravitated towards and found my love for yoga. that year i practiced 365 times in 365 days (you’ll learn quickly, i’m an all in kind of girl haha). shortly after, i began to focus more on nutrition and wellness a whole.

the lifestyle changes i made in 2016 were what ultimately lead me to my business today. it was a natural progression for me to begin changing a lot of the products i was using to make sure they were in alignment with the clean nutrition I was feeding my body, and that lead me to network marketing. that’s where I really found my love for telling a story through personal branding, and always striving to learn new ways to show up and educate using my social media. if you’ve followed me for any amount of time, you’ll know that what you see on social is the same as what you’ll get on a 1:1 coaching call, and that’s what you’ll also get when you meet me in person. authentically youuuuu is the only way to show up in this life!

i feel like my purpose within this space is to show others that no matter where you come from, what your current situation is, or how much or little experience you have - it’s okay to want more and to step outside of the box and create a life you’re stoked to live. it’s also okay to ask someone for help in learning how to get there.

sound like you? lets chat!

x, meg